Pollock, Ossorio, or Dubuffet?

Artists Jackson Pollock, Alfonso Ossorio, and Jean Dubuffet forged a fascinating friendship and transcontinental artistic dialogue, borrowing and exchanging techniques from each other as they experimented with their individual styles. Angels, Demons, and Savages highlights this exchange. Upon entering a room in the exhibition, you may find it hard to tell which artist painted which canvases.

Test your knowledge: can you identify which artist painted each of the below works from the exhibition? Answers after the jump.

Nine paintings by Jackson Pollock, Alfonso Ossorio, and Jean Dubuffet

Can you match each image with the artist who created it?

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Meeting Keith Haring

Adrian Loving and Raven Fox visit Renoir's Luncheon of the Boating Party. Photo: Brooke Rosenblatt

Last night the museum screened The Universe of Keith Haring as a part of the Downtown Scene NY Film Series. After the film, artist Tim Conlon and Haring friend Raven Fox discussed the artist’s legacy and the role of street art with DJ/artist/film series curator Adrian Loving.

Today I took Fox on a tour of the Collection, and he shared some recollections of his time with Keith Haring. They met at the School of Visual Artsin 1980. Fox, then 16 and an emerging DJ, was there through a special high school program. “Music brought us together,” said Fox referring to their initial encounter. Haring was listening to club music while working, and as Fox tells it, “I migrated to him and thought he would like my mix tape. I gave him a cassette.” Haring played the tape right away, and according to Fox, Haring “immediately befriended me.” The two maintained their friendship, and Fox went on to assist Keith through the next 10 years with various art and club projects, including working at the Pop Shop in New York City. Fox told me, “I promised to keep his spirit alive . . . he inspired me to be doing what I’m still doing today: mixing art, music, and technology.”