The Man Dangling From Our Building

Installation of several works by Bernardi Roig is in progress as we near the opening date of his Intersections project at the Phillips, NO/Escape. Three of the works will be outside of the museum’s walls, including Acteon (2005), which will hang in the alleyway between the original Phillips house and the Goh Annex, a 1960s addition.

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Installation of Bernardi Roig’s, Acteon, (2005). Polyester resin, marble dust and fluorescent lights. Figure life size. Courtesy Max Estrella Gallery, Madrid

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The sculpture is lifted to the desired height on the wall with the help of Phillips preparators. Photos courtesy The Phillips Collection

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Artist Bernardi Roig looks on as installation continues. Photos courtesy The Phillips Collection


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Acteon from below, awaiting the final piece of the installation: a beam that will stem from the sculpture’s back and connect the original Phillips house with the Goh Annex. Photo courtesy The Phillips Collection

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The finishing touches are put on Bernardi Roig’s Acteon.

Goodbye is Not Forever

Eliza Rathbone goodbye collage

Photos: Shelly Wischhusen

Phillips staff gathered last week for a heartfelt adieu to Chief Curator Eliza Rathbone, who has been organizing thoughtful exhibitions at the Phillips for nearly 30 years and recently announced her retirement. Hugs, handmade cards, and some misty eyes were present as the sun went down on her final day in the institution where she has made a lasting impact. We’re sad to see her go, but goodbye is not forever; she’ll continue on as Chief Curator Emerita and be back in 2017 with a special exhibition around Renoir’s The Luncheon of the Boating Party!

Caption This Contest: Bernardi Roig’s Man of Light

Dan Datlow with sculpture_Alec MacKaye

Dan Datlow, Director of Facilities and Security, inspecting Bernardi Roig’s The man of the light, 2005. Polyester resin, marble dust and fluorescent lights. Figure life size. Collection of Mirella and Dani Levinas, Washington, DC

In preparation for Bernardi Roig‘s white plaster sculptures coming to the Phillips this October, Director of Facilities and Security Dan Datlow visited the work. Leave your captions for this photo in the comments or on social media with #RoigCaptions for a chance to win two member-for-a-day passes!

Associate Registrar for Exhibitions Trish Waters gets us started with her submission: “What did I tell you?  No shirt, no shoes—no service!”

**UPDATE: Congratulations to Facebook fan Maura, who wins this round with: “I didn’t know it was a Dan Flavin, I thought they were spare lights for the cafeteria.”